Monday 17 September 2012

Monday 17 September

Very slow progress today. Too many moored boats and bridge lifts. Part of the canal looked like the slums of Oxford given the state of the residential boats. Never mind the other OAPs doddering along through the locks, complete with boat hook in hand and life preserver. Hope we don't get like that, but no doubt it will come! Made Oxford and found the Anchor courtesy of the Good Pub Guide, courtesy of Angela. Thanks. Visited Oxford on the bus. (Highlight of the day.)
Due to hit the River Thames tomorrow. A little bit of trepidation, but no fear.

1 comment:

  1. I think having canal boat journey is a great way to spend some beautiful moments with our friends, family and worker etc. which make us experience as like adventure and fun.

    Diana@ River thames canal boat hire
